Hot water can be safely run through a cold water pressure washer up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit — 65 degrees Fahrenheit. You cannot run hot water, especially at extremely high temperatures, through the cold water unit. It could melt the pump seals and overheat the unit. You can't use hot water in a pressure washer that isn't built to withstand high temperatures.
Using hot water in pressure washing will help surfaces dry much faster than pressure washes with cold water. Hot water can kill bacteria, viruses, and germs without the use of artificial disinfectants. It will reduce pressure washing and drying time by 35 percent compared to pressure washing with cold water. If you need to clean surfaces covered in dirt and mud, the ideal is to wash them with cold water to remove dirt.
It also removes grease and oil better, something that cold pressure washers can't seem to do. If your pressure washer is the standard cold water pressure washer, it's definitely a bad idea to try to put hot water in your pressure washer. I created this website to share my good and bad experiences with dozens of electric pressure washers, home improvement and home decor. Yes, most cold-water pressure washers can handle hot water, as long as it's less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
Those who have large spaces that want to clean regularly may consider buying a pressure water washer. A water temperature higher than this will end up irreparably damaging the pump of your cold water pressure washer and will cause serious defects in all its components. Cold pressure washers rely on the water pressure created by the machine to separate any residue from a surface. This isn't going to be possible with a standard cold water pressure washer, so find out if you really need hot water for the task and then buy the right pressure washer.
But if you need something heavier for professional, commercial or industrial use, a hot-water pressure washer is ideal. As a result, one of the best methods for pressure washing covers, coatings, and even vehicles and boats is with cold water. If you want to clean softer surfaces or materials that are prone to melting, you may not want to use a hot-water pressure washer. If you plan to use hot water to pressure wash surfaces, it is advisable to purchase a hot-water pressure washer.
Cold-water pressure washers cannot easily remove grease and oil from the surface that is being pressure washed. But to be sure, it's best to consult the pressure washer manual and see what temperatures your particular model can withstand. Soap and hot pressurized water combined help to break the molecular bonds of fat, oil and grease on the surface on which they are caked and to eliminate them completely.